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WebUI OIDC authentication with Okta

These instructions explain how to set up the Nephio WebUI to use OIDC with Okta for authentication.

If you are not exposing the webui on a load balancer IP address, but are instead using kubectl port-forward, you should use localhost and 7007 for the HOSTNAME and PORT; otherwise, use the DNS name and port as it will be seen by your browser.

Creating an Okta Application

Adapted from the Backstage documentation:

  1. Log into Okta (generally

  2. Navigate to Menu » Applications » Applications » Create App Integration

  3. Fill out the Create a new app integration form:

    • Sign-in method: OIDC - OpenID Connect
    • Application type: Web Application
    • Click Next
  4. Fill out the New Web App Integration form:

    • App integration name: Nephio Web UI (or any other name you wish)
    • Grant type: Authorization Code & Refresh Token
    • Sign-in redirect URIs: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/api/auth/okta/handler/frame
    • Sign-out redirect URIs: http://HOSTNAME:PORT
    • Controlled access: (select as appropriate)
    • Click Save

Create the Secret in the Cluster

The values created for the Okta application must be added to a Kubernetes Secret to that they can be added to the container environment.

In the secret, use these keys:

Key Description
client-id The client ID that you generated on Okta, e.g. 3abe134ejxzF21HU74c1
client-secret The client secret shown for the Application.
audience The Okta domain shown for the Application, e.g.
auth-server-id The authorization server ID for the Application (optional)
idp The identity provider for the application, e.g. 0oaulob4BFVa4zQvt0g3 (optional)

This can be done via a secrets manager or by manually provision the secret (replacing the placeholders here):

kubectl create ns nephio-webui
kubectl create secret generic -n nephio-webui nephio-okta-oauth-client \
   --from-literal=client-id=CLIENT_ID \
   --from-literal=client-secret=CLIENT_SECRET \
   --from-literal=audience=AUDIENCE \
   --from-literal=auth-server-id=AUTH_SERVER_ID \

Enable the WebUI Auth Provider

The webui package has a function that will configure the package for authentication with different services. Edit the set-auth.yaml file to set the authProvider field to oidc and the oidcTokenProvider to okta, or run these commands:

kpt fn eval nephio-webui --image --match-name set-auth -- 'by-path=authProvider' 'put-value=oidc'
kpt fn eval nephio-webui --image --match-name set-auth -- 'by-path=oidcTokenProvider' 'put-value=okta'